A texas flag is waving in the wind against a blue sky.

Things to Do near Granbury, TX

There are a surprising amount of things to do in Granbury, TX. This is why we've put together some recommendations to help you plan your itinerary.

Below, we have two articles featured on different types of activities that are quite popular in our small town. Feel free to browse through them to get an idea of what's available. Or, if you prefer, you can opt to click on the popup up pictures below for a list of links for local attractions.

Whatever you decide, we're sure you'll have a great time during your visit.

Kid Friendly Things to Do in Granbury, TX

Anyone who comes to visit will soon discover that there is no shortage of kid friendly things to do in Granbury, TX. From making a splash at City Beach Park to enjoying a movie at one of the last drive-in theaters in Texas, there's bound to be something that will help your kids have a blast during your vacation.

See What's Around!

Experience Granbury Theater and Music

Ever since our town's humble beginnings, the community has had a deep love and connection with the performing arts. Today, Granbury is an excellent place to visit to see exciting live theater productions and thrilling musical performances.

See What's Around!

Visit Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

One of the best attractions in Granbury has to be our local safari. Sign up for a guided tour where you'll learn about animals from around the globe. Check out what animals you'll spot on the ride.

Go On a Safari

Explore More Activities in Granbury, TX

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